Dec 13, 5:30PM, 📍407 1st St Kirkland, WA 980033

Dear friends,

We would like to invite you to an authentic Ukrainian experience – Vechornytsi (from the word “evening”). This event will include a play with traditional songs and is a great opportunity to learn more about Ukrainian customs and culture.

Buy tickets here.

Vechornytsi were traditional gatherings of young people with music, songs, jokes, games and rituals and were very popular in the old days. At these parties people cooked delicious dinners, created folk art objects, met new friends and socialized. While traditional vechornytsi were mostly attended by young people, our event is for your entire family. Come and immerse yourself into this beautiful Ukrainian tradition. Enjoy national homemade dishes and a jolly performance filled with music and songs. All proceeds from the tickets, food and merchandize sales will be donated for humanitarian support.

Main doors open at 5:30pm
Show starts at 6:30pm.

PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY to get your seats and to make sure that you buy Ukrainian food and learn about the ways you can support the Ukrainian community

Любі друзі,

Ми запрошуюємо вас до серії святкування зимових свят, яке ми розпочинаємо театралізованою виставою на основі фольклорно-польових досліджень “Андріївські вечорниці”. Жарти, їжа, подарунки, жива музика, танці, співи та дружня компанія – все що необхідно для гарного настрою!

Квитки можете придбати тут.

Двері відчиняються о 17:30
Початок вистави о 18:30.

БУДЬ ЛАСКА, ПРИХОДЬТЕ РАНІШЕ, щоб зайняти свої місця, купити українську їжу, та дізнатись про те, як ви можете підтримати українську громаду.