Let us come together and help Ukraine!

We invite you to join us at the charity auction to help raise $250,000 by the end of April to pay for up to 3,000 individual first aid kits to be shipped to Ukraine. 100% of the proceeds will support the ongoing efforts of the Ukrainian Association of Washington to provide medical supplies, support displaced families, and on-the-ground relief.


The event will include a delicious dinner (Ukrainian and Polish cuisine), drinks, and live performances by local Ukrainian musicians and artists.

You will have the opportunity to bid on some amazing items including:

  • Ukrainian embroidery
  • Family photoshoot
  • Art
  • Beauty and health packages and much more!

Your ticket includes:

  • Dinner and drinks
  • Live performance
  • An opportunity to participate in an auction and have some fun!
  • A souvenir

A special thanks to our friends from Polish Home Association, who generously opened their doors to us to host this event and for preparing and catering the meals.

Ticket sales will end on 4/20 and will not be sold at the door.